Dipl-Ing. Rohaldy Muluk

Anggota Komisi Pengawas Etika Profesi

A seasoned professional Patent Attorney with two decades of industrial experience,
with engineering science and Intellectual Property educational background

Riwayat Pendidikan

Technical University of Berlin, Germany;
Intellectual Property Academy, Law Faculty, University of Indonesia

Riwayat Pekerjaan

WIPO Local Expert in a WIPO Patent drafting course for research institutions and universities; Two decades of work experience in industries; Involved as Head of Technical in automotive start-up in Indonesia (Audi, VW Nfz, Ferrari, Maserati)

Riwayat Organisasi

President of AIPPI Indonesia Group;
Patent Committee of APAA

Lisensi & Sertifikasi

Registered and Licensed Patent Attorney;
Licensed Professional Engineer (PII);
Technology Auditor (IATI)

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